
The logo for Veganuary
This week, I stumbled upon a rather intriguing article, Meat-eaters more likely to be disgusted by meat after taking part in Veganuary, study reveals. The premise, as outlined by the Guardian, is that:
Meat-eaters who abstain to take part in Veganuary are more likely to think that meat is disgusting after giving it up for the month, researchers have found.
Studies by psychologists at the University of Exeter also found that some people identify less as meat-eaters after trying to avoid animal products during January.
It was through this that I first encountered “Veganuary”, that annual undertaking described as “an annual challenge run by a UK nonprofit organisation that promotes and educates about veganism”. It seems that the heart of the matter lies not in the permanence of resolutions, but in the act of trying itself. Even if the New Year’s zeal fades, the experience, it appears, can subtly alter one’s perspective in unexpected ways.
Extreme Heat

Temperatures were warmer across most of the planet in 2024. Source: NOAA GlobalTemp
It likely doesn’t require a scientist, I suppose, to observe that we’ve had an extraordinarily hot summer and a remarkably mild winter here in Kunshan. I haven’t switched on the air conditioner or the heater this winter, not even now, as Christmas has already come and gone. Yet, there’s a strange comfort, an odd reassurance, in knowing that 2024 is the hottest year on record. According to this report from NPR —
Scientists say this year is almost certain to take over the top spot as the hottest year. The global average temperature could potentially breach a key threshold, reaching 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above the pre-industrial average.
It’s a bit like a patient anxiously awaiting the results of a diagnostic test. Now that the result is here, at least the waiting is over. It’s time for each of us, I suppose, to decide what we will do with this diagnosis of humanity’s future.
More Beans and Lentils

Colourful legumes at a market. Photo by Viktor Smith
According to NBC News
A report on proposed changes to U.S. dietary guidelines suggests encouraging people to eat more beans and lentils for protein and less red meat.
Updated guidelines are expected to go into effect later next year.
Future guidelines should also spur people to eat more whole grains and consume less sugary drinks, sodium and processed food, the report says.
For anyone who has delved into the realm of vegetarian diets, there really shouldn’t be any lingering doubt about the health benefits inherent in a plant-based approach to eating. So, I suppose the real news here is that, finally, for those who have not yet paid attention, the time has come to begin.